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DS audio iOS版v5.16.4





DS audio最新版v5.16.4更新说明

Important Note:
1. Updated to be compatible with Advanced Media Extensions 3.0.
2. Support for AAC encoded audio is widespread across end devices like smartphones, tablets, computers, and the majority of other media playback devices. The need for AAC transcoding to achieve better compatibility has significantly diminished and will be removed starting with DSM 7.1.1. Starting from DSM 7.1.1, AAC decoding is performed by the end device.
- Streaming AAC encoded files over AirPlay is no longer supported.
- Playback of AAC files via Chromecast is no longer supported.
- Playback of M4A (recordings made on iPhones) is no longer supported.
- Removed options for transcoding AAC files.

Fixed Issues:
1. Fixed an issue where the application might quit unexpectedly when switching to a Chromecast device during playback.
2. Fixed an issue where the player might not show the information of the artist.
3. Minor bug fixes.
如发现版本老旧,欢迎邮件反馈toususpam#liqucn(dot)com,或移步DS audio官网下载最新版

DS audio iOS版介绍

**You must own a Synology NAS to run this app, and be running the Audio Station 6.5.0 package to get the complete set of features**

DS audio allows you to stream music stored on your DiskStation with an iPhone/iPad wherever an Internet connection is available. Better yet, with the offline mode you can listen to songs stored in the device’s local memory for when no network connection is available. You can browse music by albums, artists, folders or genres, create your own playlists or share them with your friends, and even rate your music! And if you have dedicated stereo speakers at home, DS audio can also become a remote control to stream music to them.

Find all detailed features about the app on our website:
www.synology.com > NAS > DSM 7.1 > Apps > Mobile Apps > Software Specs

手机DS audio app截图

  • DS audio截图1
  • DS audio截图2
  • DS audio截图3
  • DS audio截图4
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