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Finger Timer iOS版v1.0.6





Finger Timer最新版v1.0.6更新说明

Displaying Ao5 (average of 5).
Compatible with iPhone X, Xs, Xs Max, Xr.
如发现版本老旧,欢迎邮件反馈toususpam#liqucn(dot)com,或移步Finger Timer官网下载最新版

Finger Timer iOS版介绍

Finger Timer is a speedcubing/speedstacking timer in your pocket!
It's a simple and elegant timer app that you must have!

1. Put your fingers on the left and right pads, and hold.
2. When the red and green lights are both on, the timer is ready, and then you can release your fingers to start the timer.
3. When you want to stop the timer, put your fingers back on the left and right pads.
4. If you want to restart the timer, press "RESET" and do the steps 1 to 3.

1. Connect your Timer device (with this app) and Display device (any computer or mobile device with a web browser) to the same Wi-Fi network. (Sometimes Internet also works.)
2. In Timer device, tap the top-right icon, and check "Allow display connection" checkbox.
3. In Display device, enter the Timer address into the address bar of your browser, and then press "START".
4. Enjoy it!

When you using the timer, stats are generated automatically. The average time, Ao5 and Ao12 (full version only), are displaying the summary in the LED panel, and you can also get the details in About page. In About page, you can clear the stats or copy them to show off!

Free version:
> The maximum time is 10 minutes.
> Display connection. (max 10 mins)
> Scramble for only cube 2x2x2 and 3x3x3.
> Showing Ao5 (average of 5) only.
> With ads

Full version:
> The maximum time is 60 minutes.
> Display connection. (max 60 mins)
> Scramble for cube 2x2x2, 3x3x3, 4x4x4, and 5x5x5.
> Showing both Ao5 (average of 5) and Ao12 (average of 12).
> No ads, no distractions!

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手机Finger Timer app截图

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  • Finger Timer截图2
  • Finger Timer截图3
  • Finger Timer截图4
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