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ORG 2022 iOS版v2024.09.07





ORG 2022最新版v2024.09.07更新说明

• Added Pitch Shift FX
• Compatible with the latest version of Music Studio for Windows
• Changed version format to "year.month.day"
• Improvements and bug fixes
如发现版本老旧,欢迎邮件反馈toususpam#liqucn(dot)com,或移步ORG 2022官网下载最新版

ORG 2022 iOS版介绍

ORG 2022,一般又称org 2022电子琴,org2020手机电子琴,org2020手机电子琴中文版,org2020手机电子琴调节中文版,org2020高级电子琴。 Features:
• Thousands of musical instruments, Multi-sample and Recorded from real instruments, such as Piano, Violin, Flute, Saxophone, Guitar, Sitar, …
• Thousands of rhythms, Including Intros, Variations, Fills, Break, Endings, and Pads, with Real chords (Press 3 or more keys) such as Pop, Jazz, Rock, Arabic, Turkish, Hindi, …
• DNC Instruments with After-touch
• A lot of drum kits, such as General, Arabic, Persian, …
• 3 Low-latency methods (in settings)
• Connect to MIDI Devices over USB and Bluetooth
• Use the phone as a microphone with audio filters
• Programmable Sound/Loop Buttons for playing Audio files
• Strong Windows tools for creating, Edit, and Import Instruments, Styles, … (download from www.sofeh.com)
• Joystick, Ribbon, Effects, and Filters
• Record, Re-record, Sing a Song, Save, Playback, …
• High-quality Stereo output
• Simulate KORG keyboards with Fade, Synchro, Keyboard Set, Tempo, Transpose, Octave, Balance, Tune, Split, Chord Memory, Tap Tempo/Reset ...
• Multi-touch with 10 fingers
• Change the volume of each Instrument or Style Separately
• Pedal, Metronome, and Touch Response
• Quarter tones (Arabic, Persian, Kurdish …)
• 1 and 2 rows of the keyboard
• Create high-quality MP3 and share it on Social Networks ( WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, Line, … )
• and more …

This app is also known as ORG 2017, ORG 2018, ORG 2019, ORG 2020, ORG 2021, ORG 2022, ORG 2023, and ORG 2024

Website: https://www.sofeh.com
Support: support@sofeh.com
Video: https://www.youtube.com/c/sofehsunrise

手机ORG 2022 app截图

  • ORG 2022截图1
  • ORG 2022截图2
  • ORG 2022截图3
  • ORG 2022截图4
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