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Think Academy Classroom iOS版v3.6.0





Think Academy Classroom最新版v3.6.0更新说明

- Bug fixes and experience optimization.
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Think Academy Classroom iOS版介绍

Think Academy, a TAL Education Group (NYSE: TAL) brand, offers expert online courses for students. With more than 17 years of tutoring experience and over 4 million weekly-active students worldwide, we know exactly what is required to deliver online tutoring to the highest standard.

【The Best Teachers】
- Our team of exceptional Think Academy teachers is hand-picked via a rigorous selection process that has a passing rate of 2.0%.
- All hold degrees from the world's top universities, including Oxford, Cambridge, Princeton, Yale, Stanford, and many more.

【High-Quality Content】
- Fostering a passion for math
Inspire students with a natural love for learning maths with games, learning activities, and more.
- Learn at your own pace
Choose courses from different levels so that students can learn at a pace best suited to them.

【Engaging Online Classes】
- Learn with fun games and activities
Memorable lessons that students will love. Enjoy interactive challenges that encourage students to love maths class!
- Incentive to participate
Earn coins for participation. Exchange your coins for virtual prizes!
- Peer learning environment
Have fun learning alongside your peers in an intimidation-free environment!

【What We Provide】
- Online learning on almost all platforms
- Unlimited lesson playback
- Fully guided learning process
- Progress and achievement tracking
- Flexible session transfer
- Request a refund anytime

【About Think Academy & TAL】
Think Academy is a part of TAL Education Group (NYSE: TAL), the highest net worth education company in the world, nurturing over 30 million students through quality online education learning experiences in the past 17 years.

手机Think Academy Classroom app截图

  • Think Academy Classroom截图1
  • Think Academy Classroom截图2
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