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Rainbow iOS版v4.9.1

大小:31 MB热度:





Fixes the crash when you tried to zoom in on a PDF file

Rainbow iOS版介绍

How amazing would it be if you could combine the available storage of each account into a single account with that large storage? You then would be able to upload large files, files that do not fit in the available storage of each account...
SmartCloud service: Combine your connected cloud accounts into a single account.

The Rainbow app can be used to :
- Connect to multi-accounts from the same cloud service
- Sync two folders, even if they are located in different accounts
- Backup on account to another.
- Copy one account to a folder in another account
- Share files with a single link from Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, MediaFire, OneDrive and SugarSync and for up to 11 days!!
- Search for a file in all linked cloud accounts
- Transfer files / folders from one account to a folder in another account or from one folder to another folder in the same account
- Amazing graphics and UX. Drag & Drop feature

Rainbow supports the following twelve cloud services:
- Box
- DropBox
- Egnyte
- Hubic
- Google Drive
- iDrive
- MediaFire
- ShareFile
- OneDrive (old SkyDrive)
- OneDrive for business
- Sugar Sync

Furthermore, with the Rainbow app you can:
- Passcode protect your data
- Create and edit text files (simple text editor)
- Use the camera or the photo library to take pictures
- Use the camera or the video library to record video
- Create folders
- Rename files
- Copy and delete folders
- Share files over the Bluetooth device
- Email files
- Download files from the Internet and save me locally or on the cloud
- Copy an account to a folder in any account

手机Rainbow app截图

  • Rainbow截图1
  • Rainbow截图2
  • Rainbow截图3
  • Rainbow截图4
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