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OpenSea iOS版v2.11.1






Bug fixes

OpenSea iOS版介绍

OpenSea's mobile app is the easiest way to keep track of your NFT collection and discover new assets from the world’s first and largest digital marketplace for crypto collectibles and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

With OpenSea's mobile app, you can:

• CONNECT TO YOUR PROFILE: View items you've previously collected by associating your profile with the app.

• DISCOVER NEW WORK: Discover new NFT releases from a variety of digital artists and creators, from established artists to indie creators building momentum towards their first sale.

• SAVE YOUR FAVORITES: Find something interesting? Favoriting an asset will save it to a tab of your profile page along with other favorited items

• SEARCH AND FILTER NFTS: Search and filter by category, name, collection, creator and other properties to find exactly what you're looking for.

• VIEW COLLECTION AND ITEM STATS: View the latest market activity around a collection or item to stay up-to-date on projects building traction and demand.

Other features include:
• A rankings page to track collections ranked by 24-hour, 7-day or all-time volume, along with other sorts
• Links to blog posts on OpenSea developments and the NFT ecosystem
• Resources for getting started with our platform
• Links to exclusive releases

Stay tuned - we'll be periodically releasing new features to make this experience more useful.

For feedback and assistance, you can reach us at support.opensea.io. You can also find us on Twitter @OpenSea.

手机OpenSea app截图

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