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Mibro Fit iOS版v1.5.12


类型:健康开发商:甄十信息科技(上海)有限公司 沪ICP备17050288号-9A


Mibro Fit最新版v1.5.12更新说明(2024-11-10)

1. "Supports integration with Apple Health" Allows seamless syncing of Mibro watch activity and health data for easy management and sharing.
2. Fixes known issues and improves the overall product experience.
如发现版本老旧,欢迎邮件反馈toususpam#liqucn(dot)com,或移步Mibro Fit官网下载最新版

Mibro Fit iOS版介绍

The Mibro Fit application used with Mibro smart watch.It can track your daily status and monitor your fitness.
※ Functions
• Track your workoutsTrack your walks, runs, and bike rides right from your phone.Record your steps, view your progress, and meet your goals.
• Track your healthyCheck your heart rate, blood oxygen, stress, provide you with 24-hour heart rate measurement, and give you relevant opinions and tips, escort your health.
• Monitor your sleepMonitor your sleep quality, show the sleep datas, and suggest you to improve your sleep.
• Get notificationsShow the phone coming calls, mobile SMS ,mobile App notification message in life.Tips:It's need to use your SMS and call permission.

Provide you with better health guidance. (HealthKit) read and track your step count data and display them in a beautiful way (we need you to grant us access to health).

Please seek a doctor’s advice in addition to using this app and before making any medical decisions.

手机Mibro Fit app截图

  • Mibro Fit截图1
  • Mibro Fit截图2
  • Mibro Fit截图3
  • Mibro Fit截图4

Mibro Fit下载地址[隐私政策]

  • 安卓手机版
  • iOS版
  • 电脑版

Mibro Fit iOS版


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