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myCWT iOS版v24.2.1


类型:交通开发商:中航嘉信商务旅行管理有限公司 京ICP备19041286号-6A



This version contains enhancements and bug fixes to make the app work better and faster.

myCWT iOS版介绍

myCWT the mobile travel app for travelers and travel arrangers.

Plan, book and manage your flight, hotel, car rental and train bookings all in one place. Get real-time alerts on updated flight changes, weather conditions, safety alerts and more. Automatically sync your travel itinerary into your calendar and your meetings into the app. Quickly and conveniently chat with a CWT travel counselor for all your travel-related needs.

Use the myCWT app to:
• Book, modify and cancel company-preferred hotels, flights, car rentals or train reservations
• Quickly rebook past trips
• View an estimate of your carbon emissions when booking to make the most sustainable choices
• Check in directly from the app on over 250 airlines
• Add loyalty program information to your travel profile to auto-populate into all reservations
• Sync all elements of your travel itinerary into your calendar
• Share your itinerary with colleagues or join a trip they’ve already booked
• Obtain real-time trip notifications including cancellations, delays, gate assignment, baggage claim
• Itinerary specific safety alerts, find destination-related health and well-being information and check-in during a major incident
• 24/7 chat support with CWT’s messaging service

Are you a travel arranger?
Make your job easier by managing travel from the convenience of myCWT. Manage and book flights, hotels, car rentals and train reservations, stay updated with alerts on flight delays and other disruptions. Share trip details with travelers and get real-time notifications that will help you anticipate schedule and reservation changes.
Please note:
The myCWT app is available exclusively to business travelers whose companies use CWT as their preferred business travel management provider.

^Featured services may not be available in your country at this time. If you are interested in these services, please contact your company’s travel manager.

App languages available include English, French, German, Italian, Simplified Chinese and Spanish.

Comments? Please send us your feedback to our team at support.mobile@mycwt.com

手机myCWT app截图

  • myCWT截图1
  • myCWT截图2
  • myCWT截图3
  • myCWT截图4


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  • iOS版
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myCWT iOS版



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