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爱笔思画X iOS版v12.2.13


类型:娱乐开发商:ibis inc. 粤ICP备2024204031号-23A




Thank you for using ibisPaint X!
The summary of this update is as follows.

[Fixed Bugs and Problems]
- Fixed the behavior when “Eyedropper” is activated from a button or key on the digital stylus to be the same as when “Eyedropper” is selected in the tool selection window.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when the reference window is closed while images are being loaded in the reference window.
- Fixed a bug that caused a crash or made it impossible to operate a layer when a layer was added with the “Vector Felt Tip Pen” or other tools while using the Bézier Curve or Polyline tools.
- Fixed a bug that layer images sometimes became abnormal after undo/redo when using a brush with “Separate each stroke” OFF.
- Fixed a bug that when windows are overlapping, the lower window may also close if something is done while the upper window is in the process of closing.
- Fixed a bug that caused premium icons and text to overlap on some canvas sizes when selecting a canvas size for animated artworks in the canvas size selection window when in RTL language.
- Fixed a bug that could cause images to not update correctly when a brush shape with a brush whose “Speed - Thickness” is not 0% is on a vector layer.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Ruler tool and the Stabilizer tool to remain visible when “Eyedropper” was activated from a button or key on the digital stylus while using the Brush tool or other tools.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the close button from appearing when selecting “Select Ruler” from the Ruler tool that is displayed in a situation where it should not be displayed.
- Fixed a bug that after activating “Eyedropper” from a button or key on the digital stylus, it may not be activated in the same way.
- Fixed a bug that the thickness of lines drawn with the stylus may not be accurate when drawing alternately with a finger and a pressure sensitive stylus.
- Fixed a bug that may cause a crash due to slider operation.
- Fixed a bug that when content containing NULL, one of the control characters, was pasted into the text portion of a Text shape and edited, the content after NULL was sometimes lost.
- Fixed a bug that prevented switching ibis accounts in the settings window.
- Fixed a bug that the position mark of the special pen did not follow the drag while using the drawing tool.
- Fixed a bug that drawing may not be performed correctly when Bézier curves and Polylines are drawn when using the copy pen.
- Fixed a crash when drawing with the special pen when using the array ruler and line/rectangle drawing tools at the same time.
- Fixed a bug in the floating layer window that could cause layout corruption when dragging a layer and adding it to a folder.
- Fixed a bug that when dragging a layer folder, the layer above it might move up.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when duplicating an artwork whose name consists only of numbers.
- Fixed a bug in which saving a JPEG with a selection from the File menu resulted in an incorrect saved image.
- Fixed a bug that caused an error when renaming the artwork folder containing the artworks in which video files are saved.
- Fixed a bug that an error message may appear when importing a zip file, even if the artwork file is normal.
- Fixed a bug that the fill area of an ellipse drawn with the canvas tilted may be inaccurate in time-lapse videos.
- Removed thin circles from various buttons on the gradient slider.
- Fixed a bug that the online gallery did not open automatically when the application was launched from a push notification.
- Fixed a bug that the online gallery would not open after tapping on a push notification when an alert was displayed.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when closing the popup that appears when importing pictures.
- Fixed a bug that prevented login by X account on iPad.
- Fixed a rare freeze when the tracking permission dialog is closed.

For more details, see: https://ibispaint.com/historyAndRights.jsp?newsID=158276433

爱笔思画X iOS版介绍

爱笔思画X,一般又称爱思画笔,爱思画笔X,ibispaint,ibispaint绘画软件,ibis Paint X。 ibis Paint X 是一款流行的多功能绘图应用程序,作为一个系列,总下载量超过 4 亿次,它提供了 47000 多种画笔、21000 多种材料、2100 多种字体、84 种滤镜、46 种网纹、27 种混合模式、记录绘图过程、描边稳定功能,各种标尺功能,例如径向线标尺或对称标尺,以及剪贴蒙版功能。

绘图课程在YouTube频道上,我们分发了许多使用ibis Paint的有用方法。

- 真正的绘图应用程序超越PC插图软件!
- 使用OpenGL技术,平滑,高速操作感觉愉快!
- 能够将绘画过程存储为视频!
- 使用SNS功能绘图应用程序,以了解如何绘制图片!

- 我认为到目前为止,我不能用智能手机拍出漂亮的照片!
- 最易于使用的绘图应用程序!
- 我没有Mac / PC,但现在我可以画数字图片了!


- 平滑,最大120 fps刷
- G笔,笔,数码笔,气刷,圆刷,平刷,铅笔,油画颜料,木炭,蜡笔,邮票等超过47,000种画笔图案
- 各种画笔参数,例如开始/结束厚度、开始/结束不透明度和初始/最终画笔角度
- 快速滑块,刷子厚度和刷子不透明度准备好操作
- 可以实时检查的画笔预览

- 可无限添加的图层功能
- 混合模式,例如每层不透明度,alpha混合,加法,减法,乘法
- 剪切功能,便于剪裁图像
- 各种图层命令,如图层复制,从照片库导入,左/右反转,颠倒,图层旋转,移动,缩放
- 图层名称设置功能,用于图层识别

- 全文工具功能,支持垂直书写,水平书写,修剪,字体选择,多文本
- 46种屏幕色调功能,如点,噪声,水平,垂直,对角线,十字,方形等。

- 选择范围,每像素 256 级(选择层)
- 在选择范围内翻转、移动、旋转、放大、缩小
- 画笔、填充、复制图层、组合图层、移动图层、旋转、缩放,考虑选择范围

- 从调色板中选择,对注册数量没有限制,从色调圆圈中选择,从HSB中选择,从RGB中选择,丰富的颜色选择
- 通过拖放到调色板保存
- 点击并按住吸管功能

- 用于绘制图形等的标尺工具功能(以前的标尺,圆形标尺,椭圆标尺,浓度线标尺)
- 滤镜功能,包括亮度·对比度,色彩平衡,线条提取,灰度,渐变,模糊,渐变,动画背景,漫画背景,色差
- 材料工具功能,多的纹理和色调
- 除了各种画布尺寸,如SD,HD,X(旧Twitter)标题,明信片,可选的画布尺寸规格功能
- 画布的任意旋转功能
- 背景颜色(白色,明亮透明,深色透明)设置功能
- “取消”“撤消”功能最多100步或更多(取决于存储的可用空间。)
- 刷子,橡皮擦,指尖工具,模糊工具,填充和吸管功能
- 快速,流畅的平移和缩放功能

- Apple Pencil(2nd generation)
- Apple Pencil
- Wacom Bamboo Sketch
- Wacom Bamboo Fineline 3
- Wacom Bamboo Fineline 2
- Wacom Bamboo Stylus fineline
- Wacom Intuos Creative Stylus
- Wacom Intuos Creative Stylus 2
- SonarPen

- 我的画廊功能,以欣赏我的插图
- 绘图过程的播放功能(具有播放速度调整功能)
- 导出功能到插图静止图像(PNG / JPEG)和视频(MOV)照片库
- 绘图过程视频编码功能和上传功能
- 分享您在X(旧Twitter)或Facebook上发布的图片网址
- 评论来说明时推送通知
- 下载另一个人的插图功能(工作文件)
- 收集功能,以欣赏其他人的插图
- 通过PC和Mac的USB文件传输导入和导出功能文件
- 能够将静止图像(PNG / JPEG),视频(MOV),工作文件(IPV)共享到X(旧Twitter),Facebook,LINE等。
- CLIP STUDIO PAINT连接功能(ibis Paint通过云绘制的延续可以使用CLIP STUDIO PAINT绘制)
* 如需上传和下载插图,您需要使用 ibisAccount、X(旧Twitter)、Facebook 或 Apple ID 账户。

*关于ibis Paint的购买计划
以下购买计划适用于ibis Paint。
- ibis Paint X (免费版)
- ibis Paint (付费版)
- 删除广告附加组件
- 高级会员 (月度计划 / 年度计划)
如果您购买了删除广告附加组件,广告将不会显示,与ibis Paint的付费版本没有区别。
为了使用更高级的功能,需要签订以下高级会员 (月度计划 / 年度计划) 合同。

- 20GB 云端存储容量
- 无广告
- 隐藏视频上的水印
- 无限使用矢量工具(*1)
- 在矢量层上移动和缩放
- 优享滤镜
- Prime 调整层
- 在我的画廊中重新排列艺术品
- 自定义画布屏幕的背景颜色
- 创作任意大小的动画作品
- 优享素材
- 优享字体
- 优享画布
(*1) 您每天最多可免费试用一小时。
* 成为免费试用的高级会员会员后,若未在免费的试用期结束前至少提前24小时取消高级会员,则会被自动收取续订费用。
* 未来我们将添加高级功能,敬请期待。

审核中的问题,错误报告无法确认和通信,因此请联系ibis Paint支持人员。

*ibisPaint 服务条款

手机爱笔思画X app截图

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  • 爱笔思画X截图4


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爱笔思画X iOS版



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